Tuesday, September 16, 2014

2.25 Update

Oh man!  Once this little guy got to talking, his personality is really starting to shine through.

He has wonderful manners, and says thank you very often completely on his own without prompts.  He also likes to say, "Thank you, you're welcome" as one complete phrase; as if he is telling himself he is welcome. So funny!

He has endless amounts of energy, and often asks permission to run and when granted he will run crazy laps around the house, playground, or wherever.  He will just keep going, and going, and going!

He continues to be pretty bossy (I prefer the term...leadership capable).  He has just been introduced to the Thomas the Train show and loves it.  He loves to listen to the song at the beginning and end of the show, and when anyone tries to sing along with it, he tells them to stop singing.

TV and videos are pretty new to him because he never really got to watch them much. When Daddy showed him a short video clip of Superman flying, he immediately became fixated on everything Superman.  He pretended to be Superman flying around the house, he tells people how Superman flies and helps people, and I think "Fly Superman" is his clearest phrase he has ever spoken. He now has a Superman shirt complete with cape, Superman pajamas with cape courtesy of Aunt Amy and Uncle Jimmy, and a Superman figurine with a motorcycle (I'm completely stumped why Superman would need a motorcycle when he can fly).  He spends at least an hour or two each day pretending to be the man of steel.

Ryker does this sweet little gallop when he is happy or excited, like he can't even contain himself.

The "Tickle Monster" is now a very real part of our household.  Ryker has turned this imaginary creature into an imaginary friend for himself.  Sometimes he is afraid of the tickle monster, and hides from him, and other times he plays with and takes care of him like a friend.  Sometimes I even have to "help" him down from the ceiling fan so he can eat breakfast with us.  Apparently the Tickle Monster sleeps outside in the tree.  One night, Ryker woke up at 3am worried about the Tickle Monster and had a hard time falling back asleep even after I assured him the Tickle Monster was just fine and sleeping in his tree outside.  Oh boy!  We sometimes pretend to be the Tickle Monster and play hide and seek, or tickle Ryker under the covers.  He has such a great giggle!

Strutting his stuff in big boy undies!

Sweet friends

Ryker loves hanging with his triplet friends

Sleeping beauty

Superman obsessed

Lions, tigers, and elephants...oh my!

Choco-holic just like his mommy

Rocking the fuzzy hat

Cars & guitars...what more could a little (naked) boy ask for?

Gave sweet kisses and hugs to all the chimp statues

This is just how he rolls.

Picasso Jr. at work

Nothing better than warm laundry fresh out of the dryer.

Zoo trip with friends

Handmade chair from Mr. Sewell

Now if I could only get Ryker to look at the camera and smile like the goat...


Texas winter wonderland...about as winter wonderland as it gets.

Photo-bombing his friend's photo

Cars, cars, cars

Water fun at the Perot museum...notice the Voorhies cocked eyebrow

More Perot fun digging for dino bones in the sand...mostly just playing in it though.

Singing "Let's Trash the Place" with Dad and Uncle Colin

Sings about what he knows best...Potty Diapers song.  

Someone has a major case of the giggles!

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