Monday, April 30, 2012

Month 3

I know, I know... I'm way behind. Here it is a week away from Ryker's 4 month birthday and I'm just now getting to write about his 3rd month.  We've been busy this month (more to come about that in a couple of weeks). 

Let's see, Ryker's 3rd month of life had several firsts involved.  Ryker survived his first tornado warning with 12 tornadoes in the area, but no damage in our immediate area, thankfully.  I spent a good part of the day in the tiny closet under our stairs (no basements in Texas) with two babies (Ryker and his friend Emery), two large dogs, and a cat that didn't want any part of the hullabaloo.  It was quite a day! 

Ryker also attended his first concert.  He went to go see our good friend, Mr. Colin Boyd, rock the outdoor patio and recognized several of Colin's songs that were played to him in the womb.  We hope to instill a love and enjoyment of music in our little guy - so far so good!

Also, Ryker met his Aunt Amy and Uncle Jimmy for the first time (I'm sure they would protest if I didn't add something here about them being his favorites).  They flew in from Minnesota for a few days and got to spoil Ryker rotten and take some pictures to be used later for blackmail (Ryker was NOT impressed with all the girly hats Aunt Amy made him wear for some pictures).  In spite of this, he can't wait to see them again (and meet the rest of his aunts, uncles, and cousins) in July when he will visit Minnesota for the first time. 

Additionally, Ryker got to meet some of Daddy's side of the family.  He met his Great-grandma Von and great-aunts Marthann, Jenna, and Dana.  He got passed around and loved on like crazy.  I think I even heard them say he was the most handsome well-behaved boy they'd ever had the pleasure to be around (that could just be a mother's selective hearing though).  He also met the crazy Voorhies clan at a family reunion on St. Patty's day! 

At his 3 month shots (we are doing an alternate vaccine schedule) Ryker weighed in at a hefty 13 pounds and 15 ounces (so we just called it an even 14 lbs.).  He has graduated to size 2 diapers and size 3-6 clothes right on cue; although, at the rate he is growing, I'm sure that will change quickly.  He also has started babbling and interacting a little more.  He has gotten much better at tracking and focusing. He is still being a good boy and letting mommy sleep 8-10 hours each night!

Ryker and Emery waiting out the tornadoes

Crowded closet

With Daddy at his first concert

Hangin' with Mr. Colin Boyd

Visiting with Aunt Amy & Uncle Jimmy

With Great Grandma Von, Grandma Voorhies, and Great-Aunts Marthann, Jenna, and Dana

Hangin' with the Voorhies clan family reunion on St. Patty's Day

Mom is soooo funny (babies are great ego-boosts)

Crashed out

It's a bird, it's a plane...

Cool guy - courtesy of Uncle Jimmy

So happy in the morning!

No... not the carseat! (Ryker hates the carseat)

Old Blue Eyes

On a walk with his homemade hat

Post-poop smiles

Sleep thinkin'

Superman blue eyes

Tummy time!

Yawn... enough pictures already mom!

Talking with Emery


3 months