Tuesday, November 1, 2011

28 Weeks - Third Trimester!!

Here we are in the home-stretch!  Only 12 short weeks to go!  I can't believe that all this is actually happening.  We are so blessed to be able to experience the miracle of life (it truly is a miracle). 

We are starting to make some headway on preparing for our little one.  Jon put together the crib and dresser...

We finally registered (Target - click here,    Buy Buy Baby - click here, and   Babies R' Us - click here).  Jon and I were completely overwhelmed by all the stuff that is needed to care for an infant (and that's just the infant stage).  Thank goodness we have enough room in our house for all the baby paraphernalia!  Although, Jon thinks all the baby stuff will conveniently stay out of the way in the nursery (little does he know that it will take over the entire house). We've begun clipping and saving all the diaper, wipes, and baby coupons we can find (our new favorite pastime to save money - send coupons our way if you come across them and aren't going to use them)! 

Thanks to my big sister, Amy Rose, I had an amazing Halloween costume that got lots of compliments, giggles, and questions from trick-or-treaters...
My baby bump is starting to pop a little more (but he's still packed in there pretty tightly!)...
As you can see our dogs are not shy when the camera comes out!  They are anxiously awaiting the arrival of Baby V as well so they get more walks and trips to the park.  Otto had his head on my belly as he slept and the baby kept kicking hard.  Every time the baby kicked, he would open his eyes and look at me like, "Do you mind?  I'm trying to sleep!" 

Not much news on the health front.  Still getting sick often though, but thanks to Jon's nagging (ahem - reminders), I think I have gained back a few pounds!  Baby V is still a mover and shaker - he loves the sound of Jon's voice and responds when he hears it.  We have a sonogram next week to check on our baby boy's growth.  Can't wait to see him again!


  1. Oh my gosh! Check out your bump!

    Jon can you take a picture of Putz' butt? I'd like to compare it with some other pictures I have of MaryBeth and Laura preggers :) Tee hee!

    Also, Putzie your gonna have to talk to my nephew in our accent a lot, since I don't want him getting a horrendously thick southern drawl. Great thanks. That's all for now from Aunt Amy Rose!

  2. Tell me when your bump gets as big as mine.

  3. Ooops I accidently posted that under Carries log in. This is James ....I might be in trouble.
